require_once 'codebase/lib/';
require_once 'codebase/lib/';
require_once 'codebase/lib/';
require_once 'codebase/lib/';
require_once 'models/';
// Titles and navigation header.
$nav->add(_("Payments"), null);
// Instantiate a sorting object with the default sort and order. Add SQL for each column.
$so = new SortOrder('payment_tbl.payment_date', 'DESC');
$so->asc_widget = '';
$so->desc_widget = '';
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.payment_id', 'payment_tbl.payment_id ASC', 'payment_tbl.payment_id DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.account_id', 'payment_tbl.account_id ASC', 'payment_tbl.account_id DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.payment_date', 'payment_tbl.payment_date ASC', 'payment_tbl.payment_date DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.amount', 'payment_tbl.amount ASC', 'payment_tbl.amount DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.status', 'payment_tbl.status ASC', 'payment_tbl.status DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.type', 'payment_tbl.type ASC', 'payment_tbl.type DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.stripe_charge_id', 'payment_tbl.stripe_charge_id ASC', 'payment_tbl.stripe_charge_id DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.added_datetime', 'payment_tbl.added_datetime ASC', 'payment_tbl.added_datetime DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.added_by_user_id', 'payment_tbl.added_by_user_id ASC', 'payment_tbl.added_by_user_id DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.modified_datetime', 'payment_tbl.modified_datetime ASC', 'payment_tbl.modified_datetime DESC');
$so->setColumn('payment_tbl.modified_by_user_id', 'payment_tbl.modified_by_user_id ASC', 'payment_tbl.modified_by_user_id DESC');
// Instantiate page numbers. Total items are set and calculation is done in the getList method.
$page = new PageNumbers();
$page->setPerPage(getFormData('per_page'), 100);
// Query parameters to retain always.
// Query parameters to retain only locally.
$locally_carried_queries = array(
// We may want to use the add/edit interface from another script, so this
// allows us to remember which page we came from so we can go back there.
if (getFormData('boomerang', false) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$app->setBoomerangURL($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'payment');
if (getFormData('break_list_cache', false)) {
// Remove any stale cached list data.
$cache->delete('payment list');
// What action to take.
switch (getFormData('op')) {
case 'add' :
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to create a record.
// Initialize variables for the form template.
$frm = getAddFields();
$nav->add(_("Add Payment"));
$main_template = '';
case 'edit' :
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to update a record.
// Initialize variables for the form template.
$frm = getEditFields(getFormData('payment_id'));
$nav->add(_("Edit Payment"));
$main_template = '';
case 'del' :
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to delete the specified record.
Payment::requireAllow('delete', Payment::get(array('payment_id' => getFormData('payment_id')), 1));
if ($del_row = Payment::get(array('payment_id' => getFormData('payment_id')), 1)) {
$app->raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The payment %s has been deleted."), $del_row['payment_id']), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if ($app->validBoomerangURL('payment')) {
// Display boomerang page.
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Display default page.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $locally_carried_queries);
case 'insert' :
if (getFormData('account_id')) {
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to create a record under the specified account_id.
Payment::requireAllow('create', array(array('account_id' => getFormData('account_id'))));
} else {
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to create a record at all.
if (getFormdata('btn_cancel', false)) {
if ($app->validBoomerangURL('payment')) {
// Display boomerang page.
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Display default page.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $locally_carried_queries);
$fv = validateInput($fv);
if ($fv->anyErrors()) {
$frm = getAddFields();
$frm = array_merge($frm, getFormData());
$nav->add(_("Add Payment"));
$main_template = '';
} else {
$payment_id = Payment::insert(getFormData());
$app->raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The payment %s has been added."), getFormData('payment_id')), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (getFormdata('btn_repeat', false)) {
// Display function again.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=add', $locally_carried_queries);
} else if ($app->validBoomerangURL('payment')) {
// Display boomerang page.
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Display default page.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $locally_carried_queries);
case 'update' :
if (getFormData('account_id')) {
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to update the specified record or don't have permission to assign this record to the specified account_id.
$check_rows = array_merge(Payment::get(array('payment_id' => getFormData('payment_id')), 1), array(array('account_id' => getFormData('account_id'))));
Payment::requireAllow('update', $check_rows);
} else {
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to update the specified record.
Payment::requireAllow('update', Payment::get(array('payment_id' => getFormData('payment_id')), 1));
if (getFormdata('btn_reset', false)) {
$app->raiseMsg(_("Saved values have been reloaded."), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=edit&payment_id=' . getFormData('payment_id'), $locally_carried_queries);
if (getFormdata('btn_cancel', false)) {
// Remove lock
$lock->select('payment_tbl', 'payment_id', getFormData('payment_id'));
if ($app->validBoomerangURL('payment')) {
// Display boomerang page.
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Display default page.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $locally_carried_queries);
$fv = validateInput($fv);
if ($fv->anyErrors()) {
$frm = getEditFields(getFormData('payment_id'));
$frm = array_merge($frm, getFormData());
$nav->add(_("Edit Payment"));
$main_template = '';
} else {
$app->raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The payment %s has been updated."), getFormData('payment_id')), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (getFormdata('btn_repeat', false)) {
// Display edit function with next available ID.
$qid = $db->query("SELECT payment_id FROM payment_tbl WHERE payment_id > '" . $db->escapeString(getFormData('payment_id')) . "' ORDER BY payment_id ASC LIMIT 1");
if (list($next_id) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) {
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=edit&payment_id=' . $next_id, $locally_carried_queries);
} else {
$app->raiseMsg(_("Cannot edit next, the end of the list was reached"), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else if ($app->validBoomerangURL('payment')) {
// Display boomerang page.
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Display default page.
$app->dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $locally_carried_queries);
default :
// Bounce the user if they don't have permission to list records.
// If the user does not have access to 'any' record, limit by their account_id.
$where_clause = '';
if (!$acl->check('user_id:' . $auth->get('user_id'), 'payment:read', 'any')) {
$where_clause = "WHERE payment_tbl.account_id = '" . $db->escapeString($auth->get('account_id')) . "'";
$list = Payment::getPaginatedList($where_clause);
$main_template = '';
include '';
include $main_template;
include '';
* @access public
* @param
* @return
* @author Quinn Comendant
* @version 1.0
* @since 16 Nov 2014 17:45:40
function validateInput($fv)
$fv->numericRange('payment_id', 0, 65536, sprintf(_("%s must be a number between %d and %d."), _("Payment ID"), 0, 65536));
$fv->isInteger('payment_id', sprintf(_("%s must be an integer."), _("Payment ID")));
$fv->notEmpty('account_id', sprintf(_("%s cannot be blank."), _("Account")));
$fv->numericRange('account_id', 0, 65536, sprintf(_("%s must be a number between %d and %d."), _("Account"), 0, 65536));
$fv->isInteger('account_id', sprintf(_("%s must be an integer."), _("Account")));
$fv->notEmpty('payment_date', sprintf(_("%s cannot be blank."), _("Payment date")));
$fv->stringLength('payment_date', 0, 127, sprintf(_("%s must be %d-to-%d characters in length."), _("Payment date"), 0, 127));
$fv->validateStrDate('payment_date', sprintf(_("%s must be a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format."), _("Payment date")));
$fv->checkRegex('payment_date', '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', true, sprintf(_("%s must be in YYYY-MM-DD format."), _("Payment date")));
$fv->notEmpty('amount', sprintf(_("%s cannot be blank."), _("Amount")));
$fv->numericRange('amount', -3.40282E+38, 3.40282E+38, sprintf(_("%s must be a number between %f and %f."), _("Amount"), -3.40282E+38, 3.40282E+38));
$fv->isFloat('amount', sprintf(_("%s must be a valid number."), _("Amount")), true);
$fv->notEmpty('status', sprintf(_("%s cannot be blank."), _("Status")));
$fv->stringLength('status', 0, 255, sprintf(_("%s has an invalid selection."), _("Status")));
$fv->notEmpty('type', sprintf(_("%s cannot be blank."), _("Type")));
$fv->stringLength('type', 0, 255, sprintf(_("%s has an invalid selection."), _("Type")));
return $fv;
* @access public
* @param
* @return
* @author Quinn Comendant
* @version 1.0
* @since 16 Nov 2014 17:45:40
function getAddFields()
// Set default values for the reset of the fields.
return Payment::merge(array(
'new_op' => 'insert',
'submit_buttons' => array(
array('name' => 'btn_submit', 'value' => _("Add Payment"), 'class' => 'small button', 'accesskey' => 's'),
array('name' => 'btn_repeat', 'value' => _("Add & repeat"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'r'),
array('name' => 'btn_cancel', 'value' => _("Cancel"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'c'),
* @access public
* @param
* @return
* @author Quinn Comendant
* @version 1.0
* @since 16 Nov 2014 17:45:40
function getEditFields($id)
global $lock, $locally_carried_queries;
$db =& DB::getInstance();
$app =& App::getInstance();
$lock->select('payment_tbl', 'payment_id', $id);
if ($lock->isLocked() && !$lock->isMine()) {
// Get the information for the form.
if (!$frm = Payment::get(array('payment_id' => $id))) {
$app->logMsg('Could not find record with payment_id: ' . $id, LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$app->raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The requested record %s could not be found."), $id), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$app->dieBoomerangURL('payment', $locally_carried_queries);
// Lock this record.
$lock->set('payment_tbl', 'payment_id', $id, $frm['payment_id']);
// Set misc values for the form.
return Payment::merge(array(
'new_op' => 'update',
'submit_buttons' => array(
array('name' => 'btn_submit', 'value' => _("Save changes"), 'class' => 'small button', 'accesskey' => 's'),
array('name' => 'btn_repeat', 'value' => _("Save & edit next"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'e'),
array('name' => 'btn_reset', 'value' => _("Reset"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'r'),
array('name' => 'btn_cancel', 'value' => _("Cancel"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'c'),
), $frm);