In General
1. Include methods have changed. Instead of accessing file paths absolutely, all files are searched in the include_path. So, instead of:
include SITE_BASE . '/_templates/header.ihtml';
do this:
include 'header.ihtml';
2. CODE_BASE is a defunct constant. The location of the codebase is no longer important as long as it can be found in the currently configured include_path. This will usually include the local site directory (where the codebase normally would be found) as well as the server-wide /usr/lib/php directory where the codebase might be included for the whole server. So now, instead of this:
require_once CODE_BASE . '/lib/Utilities.inc.php';
do this:
require_once 'codebase/lib/Utilities.inc.php';
3. $CFG-> variables are gone. Most of these should be converted into their $app and $auth equivalents. If a $CFG variable is NOT something used by the codebase but is still needed by the website application, I suggest converting these values to a $cfg array. For example, this:
$CFG->gallery_images_url = '/gallery_images';
should become:
$cfg['gallery_images_url'] = '/gallery_images';
And of course change the code where they are used to support the array instead of object-properties. If the array is inside of double-quotes it should be written like:
If the value used is now to be retrieved from a $object->getParam(...) method call, you'll need to do this:
$object->getParam('gallery_images_url') . '/my/path'
4. $CFG->site_url is not needed when referencing URLs. Change this:
site_url/my/file.php"); ?>">
to this:
(In other words, the URL should be a not-fully-qualified URL starting with a slash.)
// 5. Expect formatting inconsistencies! When doing global search-replace expect whitespace to be erratic, variable names to change, and lines to be otherwise inconsistent. Here's a good example of a safe way to match a line:
Searching for "$CFG->ssl_domain = 'www.example.com';":
// $CFG->(\w+)\s*=\s*['"](\w+)['"];
'\1' => '\2'
6. Many classes now require object-method calls, and the object must be globally scoped. For example, to call the $cache->exists() method inside a function, be sure to add:
global $cache;
at the top of the function.
The _config.inc.php file is 99% different. Start over from scratch using codebase/docs/example_config.inc.php.
$CFG global variables are converted to object properties specific to their usage.
For example:
$CFG->ssl_domain = 'www.example.com';
$CFG->login_timeout = 21600;
are converted to:
'ssl_domain' => 'www.example.com'
'login_timeout' => 21600,
Convert functions to methods.
raiseMsg(...) $app->raiseMsg(...)
logMsg(...) $app->logMsg(...)
include 'message_header.ihtml'; $app->printRaisedMessages();
$carry_queries = array(... , ...); $app->carryQuery(...); //call for each value in array
ohref(...) $app->ohref(...)
printHiddenSession(...); $app->printHiddenSession(...);
dieURL(...); $app->dieURL(...);
dieBoomerangURL(...); $app->dieBoomerangURL(...);
setBoomerangURL(...); $app->setBoomerangURL(...);
getBoomerangURL(...); $app->getBoomerangURL(...);
validBoomerangURL(...); $app->validBoomerangURL(...);
deleteBoomerangURL(...); $app->deleteBoomerangURL(...);
sslOn(); $app->sslOn();
sslOff(); $app->sslOff();
The following regex will find any of the above:
(?site_name $app->getParam('site_name')
dbQuery(...) $db->query(...)
dbTableExists(...) $db->tableExists(...)
addslashes(...) $db->escapeString(...)
$GLOBALS['dbh'] $db->getDBH()
$auth->clearAuth() $auth->clear()
$auth->setVal(...) $auth->set(...)
$auth->getVal(...) $auth->get(...)
$auth->setFeature(...) $auth->setParam(...)
$auth->getFeature(...) $auth->getParam(...)
$thumb->setSourceDirectory(...) $thumb->setParam(array('source_dir' => ...))
$thumb->createDestDirs(...) $this->_createDestDirs(...) NOW PRIVATE!
$thumb->validFileExtension(...) $this->_validFileExtension(...) NOW PRIVATE!
Renamed to DBSessionHandler.inc.php
Interface totally changed. See example in App.inc.php.
Renamed to Navigation.inc.php
$nav->addPage(...) $nav->add(...)
$nav->setFeature(array(...)) $nav->setParam(...)
$nav->getFeature(...) $nav->getParam(...)
$nav->getTitle() $nav->get('title')
$nav->printTitle() echo $nav->get('title')
$nav->getPath() $nav->get('path')
$nav->printPath() echo $nav->get('path')
$nav->printBreadcrumbs() echo $nav->getBreadcrumbs()
$nav->path_delimiter $nav->getParam('path_delimiter')
NOTE: this applies to any object property that has been converted to a param.
Massive changes. See Quinn.
$prefs = new Prefs($dbh, $params) $prefs = new Prefs('namespace')
NOTE: new instantiation interface
$prefs->setDefault(..., scope) $prefs->setDefaults(array(...))
NOTE: plurality - function need not be called once-per-default.
$prefs->setValue(..., $scope) $prefs->set(...)
$prefs->getValue(..., $scope) $prefs->get(...)
$prefs->clearValue(..., $scope) $prefs->delete(...)
NOTE: $scope no longer used in the above methods.
$prefs->retrieve() $prefs->load()
Renamed from RecordLock.inc.php to Lock.inc.php
Only one major interface change: instead of calling $lock->dieErrorPage() you will wrap the header/footer includes around the method call $lock->printErrorHTML().
Also, change instantiation call from:
$lock = new RecordLock($GLOBALS['_admin']);
global $lock;
global $auth;
$lock =& Lock::getInstance($auth);
And instantiate the original global $lock object in _config.inc.php as follows:
// Global record-locking object.
$lock =& Lock::getInstance($auth);
'timeout' => 0,
'auto_timeout' => 1800,
'error_url' => '/lock.php',
Renamed from RecordVersion.inc.php to Version.inc.php
Change usage from:
$version = new RecordVersion();
$version =& Version::getInstance($auth);
Renamed from SessionCache.inc.php to Cache.inc.php
Changed all method calls to now require object calls rather than static calls. In other words, change this:
if (SessionCache::isCached('mydata')) {
$list = SessionCache::getCache('mydata');
if ($cache->exists('mydata')) {
$list = $cache->get('mydata');
And have $cache instantiated in _config.inc.php like this:
// Global cache object.
$cache = new Cache('global');
$cache->setParam(array('enabled' => true));
SessionCache::putCache($val, $key) $cache->set($key, $val)
NOTE: notice method arguments have been reversed.
SessionCache::getCache(...) $cache->get(...)
SessionCache::isCached(...) $cache->exists(...)
SessionCache::breakCache(...) $cache->delete(...)
Change all object properties from direct access to method-access:
$file->allow_overwriting = true; $file->setParam('allow_overwriting', true);
$file->valid_file_extensions = true; $file->setParam('valid_file_extensions', true);
$file->dest_file_perms = 0666; $file->setParam('dest_file_perms', 0666);
$file->setUploadPath(...) $file->setParam(array('upload_path' => ...))
humanFileSize($size, $unit, $format) humanFileSize($size, $format, $max_unit)
NOTE: changed interface
dbArrayToList(...) escapedList(...)
NOTE: The functionality of this has changed, better check output is valid.
include_once 'form_error_header.ihtml'; $fv->printErrorMessages();