* Copyright 2001-2012 Strangecode, LLC * * This file is part of The Strangecode Codebase. * * The Strangecode Codebase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * The Strangecode Codebase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * The Strangecode Codebase. If not, see . */ /** * PHPUnit test case for codebase/lib/Utilities.inc.php * * The method skeletons below need to be filled in with * real data so that the tests will run correctly. Replace * all EXPECTED_VAL and PARAM strings with real data. * * Created with PHPUnit_Skeleton on 2005-08-09 */ class UtilitiesTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { function setUp() { define('_CLI', true); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/_config.inc.php'; require_once '../lib/Utilities.inc.php'; // $this->Utilities =& new Utilities(PARAM); } function tearDown() { $app =& App::getInstance(); $app->stop(); } function test_hyperlinkTxt() { $urls = [ ' http://www.asdf.com/ ' => ' www.asdf.com ', ' ws://www.asdf.com/ ' => ' ws://www.asdf.com/ ', ' sftp://user@host.tld:22/path/x ' => ' sftp://user@host.tld:22/path/x ', ' www.asdf.com/ ' => ' www.asdf.com ', ' http://asdf/ ' => ' asdf ', ' www.asdf.com/? ' => ' www.asdf.com? ', ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ', ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ', ' www.asdf.com/?x= ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x= ', ' www.asdf.com/?x ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x ', ' www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ' => ' www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ', ' www.asdf.com? ' => ' www.asdf.com? ', ' www.asdf.com! ' => ' www.asdf.com! ', ' www.asdf.com. ' => ' www.asdf.com. ', ' `www.asdf.com` ' => ' `www.asdf.com` ', ' "www.asdf.com" ' => ' "www.asdf.com" ', ' ' => ' <www.asdf.com> ', ' ' => ' <www.asdf.com> ', ' (http://www.asdf.com) ' => ' (www.asdf.com) ', ' (URL: http://www.asdf.com#1) ' => ' (URL: www.asdf.com#1) ', ' Click Here ' => ' Click Here ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah/ ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah/ ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia) ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia) ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia)_(again) ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia)_(again) ', ' http://www.example.com/wpstyle/?p=364 ' => ' www.example.com/wpstyle/?p=364 ', ' https://www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux ' => ' www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux ', ' http://✪df.ws/123 ' => ' ✪df.ws/123 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com:8080 ' => ' userid:password@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com:8080/ ' => ' userid:password@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid@example.com ' => ' userid@example.com ', ' http://userid@example.com/ ' => ' userid@example.com ', ' http://userid@example.com:8080 ' => ' userid@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid@example.com:8080/ ' => ' userid@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com ' => ' userid:password@example.com ', ' http://userid:password@example.com/ ' => ' userid:password@example.com ', ' ' => ' ', ' ' => ' ', ' http://➡.ws/䨹 ' => ' ➡.ws/䨹 ', ' http://⌘.ws ' => ' ⌘.ws ', ' http://⌘.ws/ ' => ' ⌘.ws ', ' http://foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)#cite-1 ' => ' foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)#cite-1 ', ' http://foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)_blah#cite-1 ' => ' foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)_blah#cite-1 ', ' http://foo.com/unicode_(✪)_in_parens ' => ' foo.com/unicode_(✪)_in_parens ', ' http://foo.com/(something)?after=parens ' => ' foo.com/(something)?after=parens ', ' http://☺.damowmow.com/ ' => ' ☺.damowmow.com ', ' http://code.google.com/events/#&product=browser ' => ' code.google.com/events/#&product=browser ', ' http://j.mp ' => ' j.mp ', ' ftp://foo.bar/baz ' => ' ftp://foo.bar/baz ', ' http://foo.bar/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff ' => ' foo.bar/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff ', ' http://مثال.إختبار ' => ' مثال.إختبار ', ' http://例子.测试 ' => ' 例子.测试 ', ' http://उदाहरण.परीक्षा ' => ' उदाहरण.परीक्षा ', ' http://-.~_!$&\'()*+,;=:%40:80%2f::::::@example.com ' => ' -.~_!$&\'()*+,;=:%40:80%2f::::::@example.com ', ' http://1337.net ' => ' 1337.net ', ' http://a.b-c.de ' => ' a.b-c.de ', ' ' => ' ', ' http://x and.co OK?' => ' http://x and.co OK?', ' http://foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded ' => ' foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded ', ' https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=gif ' => ' github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=gif ', ' https://github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=* ' => ' github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=* ', ' https://github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=✓ ' => ' github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=✓ ', // These should fail. ' http://x and.co OK?' => ' http://x and.co OK?', ' www. ' => ' www. ', ' www.x ' => ' www.x ', ' http: ' => ' http: ', ' http:// ' => ' http:// ', ' http:x ' => ' http:x ', ' http://x ' => ' http://x ', ' http://x/ ' => ' http://x/ ', ' http:// ?.x.com/ ' => ' http:// ?.x.com/ ', ' http://?.com/ ' => ' http://?.com/ ', ' http://.?.com/ ' => ' http://.?.com/ ', // These are allowed to fuckup due to limitations in our ability to be omnipotent. ' http:// www.x.com/ ' => ' http:// www.x.com ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' www.example.com ', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sftp://user@host.tld/path, [http://www.example.com/ consetetur] sadipscing elitr, (sed diam) www.example.com! Nonumy http://x.com! Invidunt mailto:asdf@asdf.com ut asdf@asdf.com \'\'\'et dolore\'\'\' magna. Aliquyam:erat, sed://diam //voluptua//. At vero.eos.et {{{ for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Things[i]; } }}} `http://x.com` justo duo doloreshttp://www.not.com!' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sftp://user@host.tld/path, [www.example.com consetetur] sadipscing elitr, (sed diam) www.example.com! Nonumy x.com! Invidunt mailto:asdf@asdf.com ut asdf@asdf.com \'\'\'et dolore\'\'\' magna. Aliquyam:erat, sed://diam //voluptua//. At vero.eos.et {{{ for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Things[i]; } }}} `http://x.com` justo duo doloreshttp://www.not.com!', ]; $urls_strict = [ ' http://www.asdf.com/ ' => ' www.asdf.com ', ' ws://www.asdf.com/ ' => ' ws://www.asdf.com/ ', ' sftp://user@host.tld:22/path/x ' => ' sftp://user@host.tld:22/path/x ', ' sip:beer ' => ' sip:beer ', ' http://asdf/ ' => ' asdf ', ' http://www.asdf.com/? ' => ' www.asdf.com/? ', ' http://www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ', ' http://www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ', ' http://www.asdf.com/?x= ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x= ', ' http://www.asdf.com/?x ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x ', ' https://www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ' => ' www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ', ' www.asdf.com? ' => ' www.asdf.com? ', ' www.asdf.com/ ' => ' www.asdf.com/ ', ' www.asdf.com/? ' => ' www.asdf.com/? ', ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+z ', ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x=y+ ', ' www.asdf.com/?x= ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x= ', ' www.asdf.com/?x ' => ' www.asdf.com/?x ', ' www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ' => ' www.asdf.com/?❤️=🔥 ', ' www.asdf.com! ' => ' www.asdf.com! ', ' www.asdf.com. ' => ' www.asdf.com. ', ' `www.asdf.com` ' => ' `www.asdf.com` ', ' "www.asdf.com" ' => ' "www.asdf.com" ', ' ' => ' ', ' `http://www.asdf.com` ' => ' `http://www.asdf.com` ', ' "http://www.asdf.com" ' => ' "http://www.asdf.com" ', ' ' => ' <www.asdf.com> ', ' (http://www.asdf.com) ' => ' (www.asdf.com) ', ' (URL: http://www.asdf.com#1) ' => ' (URL: www.asdf.com#1) ', ' Click Here ' => ' Click Here ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' http://www.example.com/ ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah/ ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah/ ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia) ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia) ', ' http://foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia)_(again) ' => ' foo.com/blah_blah_(wikipedia)_(again) ', ' http://www.example.com/wpstyle/?p=364 ' => ' www.example.com/wpstyle/?p=364 ', ' https://www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux ' => ' www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux ', ' http://✪df.ws/123 ' => ' ✪df.ws/123 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com:8080 ' => ' userid:password@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com:8080/ ' => ' userid:password@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid@example.com ' => ' userid@example.com ', ' http://userid@example.com/ ' => ' userid@example.com ', ' http://userid@example.com:8080 ' => ' userid@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid@example.com:8080/ ' => ' userid@example.com:8080 ', ' http://userid:password@example.com ' => ' userid:password@example.com ', ' http://userid:password@example.com/ ' => ' userid:password@example.com ', ' ' => ' ', ' ' => ' ', ' http://➡.ws/䨹 ' => ' ➡.ws/䨹 ', ' http://⌘.ws ' => ' ⌘.ws ', ' http://⌘.ws/ ' => ' ⌘.ws ', ' http://foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)#cite-1 ' => ' foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)#cite-1 ', ' http://foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)_blah#cite-1 ' => ' foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)_blah#cite-1 ', ' http://foo.com/unicode_(✪)_in_parens ' => ' foo.com/unicode_(✪)_in_parens ', ' http://foo.com/(something)?after=parens ' => ' foo.com/(something)?after=parens ', ' http://☺.damowmow.com/ ' => ' ☺.damowmow.com ', ' http://code.google.com/events/#&product=browser ' => ' code.google.com/events/#&product=browser ', ' http://j.mp ' => ' j.mp ', ' ftp://foo.bar/baz ' => ' ftp://foo.bar/baz ', ' http://foo.bar/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff ' => ' foo.bar/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff ', ' http://مثال.إختبار ' => ' مثال.إختبار ', ' http://例子.测试 ' => ' 例子.测试 ', ' http://उदाहरण.परीक्षा ' => ' उदाहरण.परीक्षा ', ' http://-.~_!$&\'()*+,;=:%40:80%2f::::::@example.com ' => ' -.~_!$&\'()*+,;=:%40:80%2f::::::@example.com ', ' http://1337.net ' => ' 1337.net ', ' http://a.b-c.de ' => ' a.b-c.de ', ' ' => ' ', ' http://foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded ' => ' foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded ', ' https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=gif ' => ' github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=gif ', ' https://github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=* ' => ' github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=* ', ' https://github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=✓ ' => ' github.com/search?q=gif&utf8=✓ ', // Unusual schemes. ' view-source:https://trac.strangecode.com/x/ticket/2#comment:4 ' => ' view-source:https://trac.strangecode.com/x/ticket/2#comment:4 ', ' mailto:asdf@asdf.com ' => ' mailto:asdf@asdf.com ', ' facetime://+19995551234 ' => ' facetime://+19995551234 ', ' tel:+15552001010 ' => ' tel:+15552001010 ', ' magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:354B15E68FB8F36D7CD88FF94116CDC1&xt=urn:tree:tiger:7N5OAMRNGMSSEUE3ORHOKWN4WWIQ5X4EBOOTLJY&xt=urn:btih:QHQXPYWMACKDWKP47RRVIV7VOURXFE5Q&xl=10826029&dn=mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce&as=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.wikimedia.org%2Fmediawiki%2F1.15%2Fmediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz&xs=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.example.org%2FXRX2PEFXOOEJFRVUCX6HMZMKS5TWG4K5&xs=dchub://example.org ' => ' magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:354B15E68FB8F36D7CD88FF94116CDC1&xt=urn:tree:tiger:7N5OAMRNGMSSEUE3ORHOKWN4WWIQ5X4EBOOTLJY&xt=urn:btih:QHQXPYWMACKDWKP47RRVIV7VOURXFE5Q&xl=10826029&dn=mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce&as=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.wikimedia.org%2Fmediawiki%2F1.15%2Fmediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz&xs=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.example.org%2FXRX2PEFXOOEJFRVUCX6HMZMKS5TWG4K5&xs=dchub://example.org ', ' chrome-extension://71f05c488a96b441ef679b09267ea46c/index.html ' => ' chrome-extension://71f05c488a96b441ef679b09267ea46c/index.html ', // These should fail. ' http://x and.co OK?' => ' http://x and.co OK?', ' www. ' => ' www. ', ' www.x ' => ' www.x ', ' http: ' => ' http: ', ' http:// ' => ' http:// ', ' http:x ' => ' http:x ', ' http://x ' => ' http://x ', ' http://x/ ' => ' http://x/ ', ' http:// www.x.com/ ' => ' http:// www.x.com/ ', ' http://?.com/ ' => ' http://?.com/ ', ' http://.?.com/ ' => ' http://.?.com/ ', // These are allowed to fuckup due to limitations in our ability to be omnipotent. ' http://www.example.com/ ' => ' www.example.com ', ' dummyhttp://www.asdf.com/ ' => ' dummyhttp://www.asdf.com/ ', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sftp://user@host.tld/path, [http://www.example.com/ consetetur] sadipscing elitr, (sed diam) www.example.com! Nonumy http://x.com! Invidunt mailto:asdf@asdf.com ut asdf@asdf.com \'\'\'et dolore\'\'\' magna. Aliquyam:erat, sed://diam //voluptua//. At vero.eos.et {{{ for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Things[i]; } }}} `http://x.com` justo duo doloreshttp://www.not.com!' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sftp://user@host.tld/path, [www.example.com consetetur] sadipscing elitr, (sed diam) www.example.com! Nonumy x.com! Invidunt mailto:asdf@asdf.com ut asdf@asdf.com \'\'\'et dolore\'\'\' magna. Aliquyam:erat, sed://diam //voluptua//. At vero.eos.et {{{ for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Things[i]; } }}} `http://x.com` justo duo doloreshttp://www.not.com!', ]; foreach ($urls as $input => $expected) { $result = hyperlinkTxt($input, false); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, sprintf('Failed with input: %s', $input)); } foreach ($urls_strict as $input => $expected) { // printf("'%s' => '%s',\n", $input, hyperlinkTxt($input, true)); $result = hyperlinkTxt($input, true); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, sprintf('Failed with input: %s', $input)); } } }