* @version 1.1 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/App.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Utilities.inc.php'; class Hierarchy { /** * Array containing object parameters. * @var array $params * * $params['child_type'] = 'article' * $params['child_id'] = 23 * */ var $params = array(); /** * The active node type. * @var string $child_type */ var $child_type; /** * The active node id. * @var string $child_id */ var $child_id; /** * Boolean indicating whether or not we've set * the 'active' node type and id. * @var bool $node_init */ var $node_init = false; /** * Constructor * @param resource $dbh A database handler if we are already connected. * @param array $params A hash containing any additional * configuration or connection parameters. */ function __construct($params=array()) { $this->params = $params; } /** * Defines the default child_type and child_id for this object. * @child_type string this node's type * @child_id string this node's id * @return string the previous node identifier, or the current one * if no new ones are specified. */ function currentNode($child_type=null, $child_id=null) { $old_type = isset($this->child_type) ? $this->child_type : $child_type; $old_id = isset($this->child_id) ? $this->child_id : $child_id; if (isset($child_type) && isset($child_id)) { $this->child_type = $child_type; $this->child_id = $child_id; $this->node_init = true; } return $this->toStringID($old_type, $old_id); } /** * Takes a node type and id and returns them as a serialized identifier like * article__24 or category__84. If the first argument is an array, and the * second is -1, we loop through the array and serialize the identifiers inside. * @param mixed $child_type * @param string $child_id * @return mixed If a single type and id are provided, a single vector identifier is returned, * otherwise if an array is provided, an array of identifiers is returned. */ function toStringID($child_type=null, $child_id=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("toStringID failed. Arguments not specified properly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } if (is_array($child_type) && $child_id === -1) { // We take an array in the first argument. It really has nothing // to do with $child_type. if (!isset($child_type[0]['child_type'])) { // It's not a properly configured array. return false; } foreach ($child_type as $node) { $serialized_arr[] = $node['child_type'] . '__' . $node['child_id']; } return $serialized_arr; } else { return $child_type . '__' . $child_id; } } /** * Takes a singular node identifier and returns it as components of an array. * @param string $node * @return mixed Array of node type and id on success, false on failure. */ function toArrayID(&$node) { if (preg_match('/^([[:alnum:]]+)__-?([[:digit:]]+)$/', $node, $node_parts)) { return array('node_type' => $node_parts[1], 'node_id' => $node_parts[2]); } else { logMsg(_("Cannot parse node identifier, not formated correctly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } /** * Adds a single node. Tests if it already exists first. * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param string $parents A serialized array of serialized parent identifiers * @param string $relationship_type * @return bool true on sucess, false on error. */ function insertNode($parents, $child_type=null, $child_id=null, $relationship_type=null, $title='') { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("insertNode failed. Arguments not specified properly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } // Make sure this is not empty and an array, even if it has only one value. if ('' == $parents) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s, no parent was specified."), $child_type, $child_id), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s, no parent was specified."), $child_type, $child_id), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } else if (!is_array($parents)) { $parents = array($parents); } // Remove duplicates. $parents = array_unique($parents); // Test that this node does not already exist and that the new parents // do exist before we continue. foreach ($parents as $parent_string) { $parent = $this->toArrayID($parent_string); if ($this->nodeExists($child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id'], $relationship_type)) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s to parent %s %s. It already exists there"), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s to parent %s %s. It already exists there"), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (!$this->nodeExists($parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id'])) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s to nonexistent parent %s %s."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot add node %s %s to nonexistent parent %s %s."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } // Insert new nodes with the new parents. foreach ($parents as $parent_string) { $parent = $this->toArrayID($parent_string); dbQuery(" INSERT INTO node_tbl ( parent_type, parent_id, child_type, child_id, relationship_type, title ) VALUES ( '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parent['node_type']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parent['node_id']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "', " . (is_null($relationship_type) ? "NULL" : "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($relationship_type) . "'") . ", '" . mysql_real_escape_string($title) . "' ) "); logMsg(sprintf('insertNode: Added node %s %s with parent %s %s.', $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__); } return true; } /** * Deletes a node using the following algorithm: * (1) Find each of this node's parents. Place serialized identifiers in array. * (2) Find all children of this node, and move each to all the parents of this node. * (3) Delete this node. * * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * * @return bool false on error, true otherwise. */ function deleteNode($child_type=null, $child_id=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("deleteNode failed. Arguments not specified properly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } // Move children to parents of node being deleted. $new_parents = $this->getParents($child_type, $child_id); $children = $this->getChildren($child_type, $child_id); if ($children && $new_parents) { foreach ($children as $child) { $this->moveNode($new_parents, $child['child_type'], $child['child_id']); } } dbQuery(" DELETE FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' "); logMsg(sprintf('deleteNode: Deleted node %s %s.', $child_type, $child_id), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__); return true; } /** * Moves a node using the following algorithm: * (1) Ensure the newly assigned parents exist. * (2) Delete old nodes with the specified type and id. * (3) Add the node with new parents. * * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param array $new_parents An array of serialized node identifiers * that the node will belong to. Example: * $new_parents[0] = 'category__23'; * @param string $relationship_type * * @return bool false on error, true otherwise. */ function moveNode($new_parents=null, $child_type=null, $child_id=null, $relationship_type=null, $title='') { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("moveNode failed. Arguments not specified properly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } // Make sure this is not empty and an array, even if it has only one value. if (empty($new_parents)) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s, no parent was specified."), $child_type, $child_id), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s, no parent was specified."), $child_type, $child_id), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } else if (!is_array($new_parents)) { $new_parents = array($new_parents); } // Remove duplicates. $new_parents = array_unique($new_parents); // Test that the new parents exist before we delete the old ones. foreach ($new_parents as $parent_string) { $parent = $this->toArrayID($parent_string); if (!$this->nodeExists($parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id'])) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s to nonexistent parent %s %s."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s to nonexistent parent %s %s."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($this->isAncestor($child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id'])) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s to parent %s %s because a node cannot have itself as a parent."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg(sprintf(_("Cannot move node %s %s to parent %s %s because a node cannot have itself as a parent."), $child_type, $child_id, $parent['node_type'], $parent['node_id']), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } if (empty($title)) { // Select the title of the node we are moving, so we can add it again with the same info. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT title FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' AND relationship_type " . (is_null($relationship_type) ? "IS NULL" : "= '" . mysql_real_escape_string($relationship_type) . "'") . " "); list($title) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); } // Delete the nodes with the old parents. dbQuery(" DELETE FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' AND relationship_type " . (is_null($relationship_type) ? "IS NULL" : "= '" . mysql_real_escape_string($relationship_type) . "'") . " "); logMsg(sprintf('moveNode: Deleted node %s %s.', $child_type, $child_id), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Insert new nodes with the new parents. $this->insertNode($new_parents, $child_type, $child_id, $relationship_type, $title); return true; } /** * Returns an array of all the parents of the current node (just the ones * immediatly above this node). You may need to call array_unique if you * don't want duplicate nodes returned. * * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @return string The parents as an array of serialized node identifiers. */ function getParents($child_type=null, $child_id=null, $type_constraint=null, $order='') { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("getParents failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } $in_clause = ''; if (isset($type_constraint)) { if (!is_array($type_constraint)) { $type_constraint = array($type_constraint); } $in_clause = "AND parent_type IN ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $type_constraint)) . "')"; } $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT parent_type, parent_id FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' $in_clause " . mysql_real_escape_string($order) . " "); $parents = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $parents[] = $this->toStringID($row['parent_type'], $row['parent_id']); } if (sizeof($parents) > 0) { return $parents; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns details of specified node. * * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @return array type, id, title, subnode_quantity. */ function getNode($child_type=null, $child_id=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("getNode failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' "); $children = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $children[] = $row; } if (sizeof($children) > 0) { return $children; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns an array of all the children of the current node (just the ones * immediatly below this node). You may need to call array_unique if you * don't want duplicate nodes returned. * * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param string $type_constraint An array of node types to restrict the search to. * * @return string The children as an array of serialized node identifiers. */ function getChildren($child_type=null, $child_id=null, $type_constraint=null, $order='') { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("getChildren failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } $in_clause = ''; if (isset($type_constraint)) { if (!is_array($type_constraint)) { $type_constraint = array($type_constraint); } $in_clause = "AND child_type IN ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $type_constraint)) . "')"; } $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM node_tbl WHERE parent_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND parent_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' $in_clause " . mysql_real_escape_string($order) . " "); $children = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $children[] = $row; } if (sizeof($children) > 0) { return $children; } else { return false; } } /** * Give the number of children a category has. We are talking about the * direct children, on the next level. * * @param string optional $parent The name of the parent from where we begin. * @param string $type_constraint An array of node types to restrict the search to. * * @return integer */ function getNumberChildren($child_type=null, $child_id=null, $type_constraint=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("getNumberChildren failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } $in_clause = ''; if (isset($type_constraint)) { if (!is_array($type_constraint)) { $type_constraint = array($type_constraint); } $in_clause = "AND child_type IN ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $type_constraint)) . "')"; } $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node_tbl WHERE parent_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND parent_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' $in_clause "); list($num_children) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); return $num_children; } /** * Tests of the specified node is a leaf (i.e. it has no children). * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @return bool true if a leaf, or false if not or an error */ function isLeaf($child_type=null, $child_id=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("isLeaf failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } if ($this->getNumberChildren($child_type, $child_id) <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This function will tell you if a specified node (the child) is actually * an ancestor to another node that perhaps is considered to be a parent. If * the specified node IS an ancestor of a node made into it's parent, we would * have a circular reference that would cause an infinite loop with any * recursive queries of the hierarchy. * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param string $considered_parent_type * @param string $considered_parent_id * @return bool true if the child is an ancestor to the considered * parent, or false otherwise, or in case of failure. */ function isAncestor($child_type, $child_id, $considered_parent_type, $considered_parent_id) { $family_tree = $this->getAllAncestors($considered_parent_type, $considered_parent_id); $family_tree = $this->toStringID($family_tree, -1); if (in_array($this->toStringID($child_type, $child_id), $family_tree)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This function builds an array of all the parents starting from a * specified node, up to the root of the tree. It will follow paths for * nodes with multiple parents, branching off and filling the array with * ALL ancestors to the specified node. I'm not sure what the order will be * but that probably isn't useful anyways. I use this to prevent circular * references in the hierarchy. * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param bool $go_linear ? * @param int $_return_flag An internal value that counts up as * recursion progesses. When the value * drops back to 0, we return the output. * @return array Array of serialized node identifiers. */ function getAllAncestors($child_type, $child_id, $go_linear=false, $_return_flag=true) { static $output = array(); static $return_flag; $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT parent_type, parent_id, child_type, child_id, title, subnode_quantity FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { // Preventing circular references. if ($row['parent_type'] == $child_type && $row['parent_id'] == $child_id) { continue; } // Build a linear path to root...no wormholes. if ($enough_already && $go_linear) { continue; } $enough_already = true; // To prevent duplicates, only add the new found node // if not already in the array of ancestors. $curr_items = sizeof($output) > 0 ? $this->toStringID($output, -1) : array(); if (!in_array($this->toStringID($row['child_type'], $row['child_id']), $curr_items)) { $output[] = $row; } $this->getAllAncestors($row['parent_type'], $row['parent_id'], $go_linear, false); } if ($_return_flag) { // We must reset the static $output variable so that it does // not fill up during subsequent function calls. $ret = $output; $output = array(); return $ret; } } /** * Tests if the specified node exists. If only the child type and id is * specified, check if any node exists like that. If the parent type and id * is also provided, test for an exact node match. * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param string $parent_type * @param string $parent_id * @param string $relationship_type * @return bool true if a leaf, or false if not or an error */ function nodeExists($child_type=null, $child_id=null, $parent_type=null, $parent_id=null, $relationship_type=null) { if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("nodeExists failed. Arguments not specified properly."), resource_tbl, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } if (isset($parent_type) && isset($parent_id)) { $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT 1 FROM node_tbl WHERE parent_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parent_type) . "' AND parent_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parent_id) . "' AND child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' AND relationship_type " . (is_null($relationship_type) ? "IS NULL" : "= '" . mysql_real_escape_string($relationship_type) . "'") . " "); } else { $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT 1 FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' "); } if (mysql_num_rows($qid) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Recursively go through the node tree, starting at a specified node, and * drill down, filling an array with info about the nodes: * * @param array $preselected * @param string $child_type * @param string $child_id * @param string $type_constraint An array of node types to restrict the search to. * @param bool $include_curr Do we include the specified node in the list? * @param string $order SQL to append to the query of the getChildren * call. Ex: 'ORDER BY child_id DESC' * @return array Details of from the node table of all nodes below the * specified node: (type, id, title, indent level, selected status) */ function &getNodeList($preselected=null, $child_type=null, $child_id=null, $type_constraint=null, $include_curr=false, $order='', $_indent=0, $_return_flag=true) { static $output = array(); static $is_a_leaf = array(); if (!isset($child_type) || !isset($child_id)) { if ($this->node_init) { $child_type =& $this->child_type; $child_id =& $this->child_id; } else { logMsg(_("getNodeList failed. Arguments not specified properly."), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } if (!is_array($preselected)) { $preselected = array($preselected); } if ($_return_flag && $include_curr) { $my_children = $this->getNode($child_type, $child_id); } else { $my_children = $this->getChildren($child_type, $child_id, $type_constraint, $order); } if ($my_children) { $num_children = sizeof($my_children); for ($i=0; $i<$num_children; $i++) { // Preventing circular references (Except when including current item in list). if ($my_children[$i]['child_type'] == $child_type && $my_children[$i]['child_id'] == $child_id && !($_return_flag && $include_curr)) { logMsg(sprintf(_("Circular reference detected: %s has itself as a parent."), $this->toStringID($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id'])), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); continue; } $my_children[$i]['indent'] = $_indent; if (in_array($this->toStringID($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id']), $preselected)) { $my_children[$i]['selected'] = true; } $output[] = $my_children[$i]; // Test if each node is a string only once. Store the result in the is_a_leaf array statically. if (!isset($is_a_leaf[$this->toStringID($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id'])])) { $is_a_leaf[$this->toStringID($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id'])] = $this->isLeaf($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id']); } if (!$is_a_leaf[$this->toStringID($my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id'])]) { // If this node is not a leaf, we dive into it recursively. $this->getNodeList($preselected, $my_children[$i]['child_type'], $my_children[$i]['child_id'], $type_constraint, $include_curr, $order, $_indent+1, false); } } } if ($_return_flag) { // We must reset the static variables so that they do // not fill up during subsequent function calls. $ret = $output; $output = array(); $is_a_leaf = array(); return $ret; } } /* * Returns an array converted from a stack to a multidimentional hierarchy based on the parent types and ids. * * @access public * @param array $curr The starting array to convert from. * @param string $child_type Optional root node type to start from. * @param int $child_id Optional root node id to start from. * @return array Multidimentional array. * @author Quinn Comendant * @version 1.0 * @since 26 Apr 2006 15:40:30 */ function convertListToTree($curr, $child_type=null, $child_id=null, $_indent=0) { if (!is_array($curr) || empty($curr)) { return array(); } static $orig; static $children_map; static $node_map; // The original $curr contains the full list. Save a copy of this. if (!isset($orig)) { $orig = $curr; // Create children map, a dictionary of Parent IDs -> Children IDs. $children_map = array(); foreach ($orig as $i => $n) { $n_parent = ('' != $n['parent_type'] && '' != $n['parent_id']) ? $this->toStringID($n['parent_type'], $n['parent_id']) : 'null__00'; $n_child = $this->toStringID($n['child_type'], $n['child_id']); $children_map[$n_parent][] = $n_child; } // Create node array map, a dictionary of $orig keys -> node IDs. $node_map = array(); foreach ($orig as $i => $n) { $n_child = $this->toStringID($n['child_type'], $n['child_id']); $node_map[$n_child] = $i; } // Set initial (root) node. if (isset($child_type) && isset($child_id)) { // Use provided node as starting point. $curr = $orig[$node_map[$this->toStringID($child_type, $child_id)]]; } else { // Otherwise assume first element of orig is starting point. $curr = $orig[0]; } } if (!isset($curr['indent'])) { $curr['indent'] = $_indent; } // Get children of current node. $curr_str_id = $this->toStringID($curr['child_type'], $curr['child_id']); $curr_children = $children_map[$curr_str_id]; // If any children, recurse in appending a multidimensional array to $curr. if (!empty($curr_children)) { foreach ($curr_children as $child) { $curr['children'][] = $this->convertListToTree($orig[$node_map[$child]], null, null, $_indent + 1); } } if ($_indent === 0) { // We must reset the static variables so that they do // not fill up during subsequent function calls. $orig = null; $children_map = null; $node_map = null; return array($curr); } return $curr; } /* * Prints a nested HTML list from input array generated by convertListToTree(). * * @access public * @param array $in Input array. * @author Quinn Comendant * @version 1.0 * @since 26 Apr 2006 15:50:00 */ function printTree($in) { if (!is_array($in) || empty($in)) { return false; } ?>getNumberChildren($child_type, $child_id, $type_constraint); // ...and add that number to the node counter for that object and all parents. if ($num_children > 0) { $this->setSubnodeQtyToParents($child_type, $child_id, $num_children); } } } /** * Used internally by setSubnodeQty to add the quantity of subnodes to * all parents recursivly. */ function setSubnodeQtyToParents($child_type, $child_id, $num_children) { dbQuery(" UPDATE node_tbl SET subnode_quantity = subnode_quantity + '" . mysql_real_escape_string($num_children) . "' WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' ",false); $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT parent_type, parent_id FROM node_tbl WHERE child_type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_type) . "' AND child_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($child_id) . "' ",false); while ((list($parent_type, $parent_id) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) && $parent_id > 0) { $this->setSubnodeQtyToParents($parent_type, $parent_id, $num_children); } } // THE END } ?>